
June 2023
SERIES (256 videos)
NEW TO YOGA (327 videos)



Rhonna Griffin

The Yamas are the first limb of the ‘Eight Limbs of Yoga‘ originating from the ancient Indian philosophical text, ‘The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali’. Each limb describes a different aspect of a yoga practice, all leading towards freedom and enlightenment. 

Enjoy Rhonna's classes as she takes you through her version of the Five Yamas!

Ahimsa class: Throughout this class, we explore the concept of ahimsa. How we can infuse the principles of non violence in both our words and actions, not only towards others but also towards ourselves.

Satya class: Throughout this class, we explore the concept of satya. How we can infuse the principles of truthfulness in our thoughts and actions being consistent in all that we do, both on and off our mat?

Asteya class: Throughout this class, we explore the concept of asteya. How we can infuse the principles of non stealing in our lives? This concept manifests itself in many different ways, one of which is practicing gratitude for what we have and the other is honoring the time and energy of those around us. 

Brahmacharya class: Throughout this class, we explore the concept of brahmacharya. How we can infuse the broader principles of abstinence in our lives? We do this by acknowledging the areas where we tend to over indulge and notice that. When we practice contentment and simplicity then we are able to focus our energy in a more specific and meaningful ways.

Aparigraha class: Throughout this class, we explore the concept of aparigraha. How we can infuse the principles of non coveting into our lives? How can we let go of ideas or concepts that are not serving our growth and development as well as that of those around us? We will work to be more adaptable in our thoughts and actions both on and off the mat.

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Videos (5)

Moving Through the Yamas | Ahimsa | Beginner | with Rhonna

Moving Through the Yamas | Ahimsa | Beginner | with Rhonna

Moving Through the Yamas | Satya | Beginner | with Rhonna

Moving Through the Yamas | Satya | Beginner | with Rhonna

Moving Through the Yamas | Asteya | Beginner | with Rhonna

Moving Through the Yamas | Asteya | Beginner | with Rhonna

Moving Through the Yamas | Brahmacharya | Beginner | with Rhonna

Moving Through the Yamas | Brahmacharya | Beginner | with Rhonna

Moving Through the Yamas | Aparigraha | Beginner | with Rhonna

Moving Through the Yamas | Aparigraha | Beginner | with Rhonna

Show all videos
Moving Through the Yamas | Ahimsa | Beginner | with Rhonna

Moving Through the Yamas | Ahimsa | Beginner | with Rhonna

Moving Through the Yamas | Satya | Beginner | with Rhonna

Moving Through the Yamas | Satya | Beginner | with Rhonna

Moving Through the Yamas | Asteya | Beginner | with Rhonna

Moving Through the Yamas | Asteya | Beginner | with Rhonna

Moving Through the Yamas | Brahmacharya | Beginner | with Rhonna

Moving Through the Yamas | Brahmacharya | Beginner | with Rhonna

Moving Through the Yamas | Aparigraha | Beginner | with Rhonna

Moving Through the Yamas | Aparigraha | Beginner | with Rhonna

Comments on collection (5)

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July 18, 2023

Really enjoyed moving through this series! Thanks, Rhonna!

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July 15, 2023

1st limb - lovely! Thanks Rhonna! I love stripping the practise back, using the blocks and taking it slow!

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July 29, 2023

Thanks Rhonna for this series! I enjoy embodying the philosophy of yoga into our mat practice! Please make some more series like this! (next on Niyamas! XD) xoxo